Love and the sublimation of the sexual force

Thinks first of all about the other's happiness

Love and the sublimation of the sexual force
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov extrait vidéo

'You, who walk on the path spiritual, know that spirituality precisely begins where love dominates sexuality'

'How to differentiate love from sexuality when in love relationships one never goes without the other?

Sexuality is a purely egocentric tendency that causes humans to pursue only their pleasure, even if they have to do so at the expense of their partner.

On the contrary, love thinks first of all about the other's happiness, it is based on sacrifice: sacrifice of time, strength, money, if necessary, to help the other, to allow him to flourish and develop all his qualities.

Nothing is more beautiful than love, when men and women are ready to accept deprivation, to snatch something from themselves to give it away.

And you who walk on the path spiritual, know that spirituality precisely begins where love dominates sexuality: that and you are capable of sacrificing yourself for the good of the other, it is only there that you are capable of love.'

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