2024 Themes

2024 Themes

The solar plexus, reservoir of all energies
2024 Themes
The solar plexus, reservoir of all energies
The solar plexus is the reservoir of vital forces, the accumulator of all energies...
Adam Kadmon, the primordial cosmic human
2024 Themes
Adam Kadmon, the primordial cosmic human
Adam Kadmon is the cosmic man whose body is made up of constellations and worlds...
Karma and freedom
2024 Themes
Karma and freedom
According to his way of thinking, feeling, acting, man approaches fate or providence.
The fertility of spring
2024 Themes
The fertility of spring
Spring is the sun’s nuptial union with the earth, the beginning of the Work.
About vegetarianism
2024 Themes
About vegetarianism
Fruits and vegetables, extremely impregnated with sunlight, are a condensation of light.
In the depths of the subconscious
2024 Themes
In the depths of the subconscious
The subconscious is a vast and very dangerous region, comparable to the depths of the ocean.
Transmute Zodiac Signs
2024 Themes
Transmute Zodiac Signs
Transform the negative aspects of signs into virtues