In the eyes of animals

An animal can understand us very well, but when it pleases

"The animal council"
Digital illustration generated and composed by Editions Prosveta S.A.
(click to zoom)

'Nature speaks to us, all of creation speaks to us, but because it does not use words people do not hear it.

As for animals, even if we do not pay much attention to them, they are part of our life, and we can learn much from those that live close to us.

It is said that in ancient times the first people lived in harmony with animals; the animals had nothing to fear from them and did not flee at their approach. But now, even if there are a few exceptions, that link is broken, and what animals think about humans is rarely to their credit. When they talk together, you should hear what they say about people, how they judge and criticize them! People think they are so superior, but the animals watch them and say to each other, ‘They think we are stupid and understand nothing. Let’s not put them right; let’s carry on watching them.’ When you speak to an animal, it may look as if it does not understand you, but in reality it can understand very well when it suits it! We do not know what goes on in an animal’s head, but it may well understand better than we do what goes on in our heads.

We may not understand them, but they understand us, or more precisely they feel us. Many of those who love dogs, cats and horses have had proof of that.

Sometimes, when trying to attract the attention of some animals, we get the impression that they are hiding some­thing from us. Where does this impression come from? It happens because sometimes they are inhabited by astral entities which are watching us through their eyes. Yes, other living intelligent creatures can look at us through the eyes of a dog, a cat or a horse. That is what gives us this strange feeling that they are more than just a mere animal.

I hardly dare speak on this subject for fear that people will think I am crazy, yet the truth is that sometimes entities come into the body of an animal, and we meet the gaze of these entities in its eyes.

This relationship that animals have with the invisible world explains why some religions have given animal forms to their gods.'

"In some perspective"
Digital photo generated and composed by Editions Prosveta S.A.
(click to zoom)

"The animal council"
Digital illustration generated and composed by Editions Prosveta S.A.
(click to zoom)

'Nature speaks to us, all of creation speaks to us, but because it does not use words people do not hear it.

As for animals, even if we do not pay much attention to them, they are part of our life, and we can learn much from those that live close to us.

It is said that in ancient times the first people lived in harmony with animals; the animals had nothing to fear from them and did not flee at their approach. But now, even if there are a few exceptions, that link is broken, and what animals think about humans is rarely to their credit. When they talk together, you should hear what they say about people, how they judge and criticize them!

People think they are so superior, but the animals watch them and say to each other, ‘They think we are stupid and understand nothing. Let’s not put them right; let’s carry on watching them.’ When you speak to an animal, it may look as if it does not understand you, but in reality it can understand very well when it suits it! We do not know what goes on in an animal’s head, but it may well understand better than we do what goes on in our heads.

We may not understand them, but they understand us, or more precisely they feel us. Many of those who love dogs, cats and horses have had proof of that.

Sometimes, when trying to attract the attention of some animals, we get the impression that they are hiding some­thing from us. Where does this impression come from? It happens because sometimes they are inhabited by astral entities which are watching us through their eyes. Yes, other living intelligent creatures can look at us through the eyes of a dog, a cat or a horse. That is what gives us this strange feeling that they are more than just a mere animal.

I hardly dare speak on this subject for fear that people will think I am crazy, yet the truth is that sometimes entities come into the body of an animal, and we meet the gaze of these entities in its eyes.

"In some perspective"
Digital photo generated and composed by Editions Prosveta S.A.
(click to zoom)

This relationship that animals have with the invisible world explains why some religions have given animal forms to their gods.'

Text taken from the book "A Living Book, Autobiographical Reflections 1", chap. 15 "All creation speaks to me, and I speak to it".

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