The Higher Degrees of Clairvoyance

There are three levels of vision

"Twilight Of Perception" - © Rassouli Avatar Fine ArtsSite
(click to enlarge)

'There are several different kinds of vision to which we give different names depending on the plane on which they apply.

On the highest level is the vision of the spirit; that which we call intuition. This is not a material form of vision, of course; very often, in fact, a person is unaware that he is actually seeing something. When a man suddenly receives the revelation of a higher, divine truth, it means that he has projected rays of light from himself and that these rays have reached to a great distance and a great height and enable him to see some laws or correspondences, some of the structures of the universe. It is the light of the spirit that lights up the divine reality and makes it possible for man to understand it.

On another level, vision goes by the name of sensation, for sensation is also the result of a kind of light that man projects onto objects and living creatures. When you feel things, you vibrate in unison with them, you are conscious of their existence and of their closeness; it is as though you were seeing them.

And, finally, there is a third kind of vision which consists in an awareness of glimmers of light, colours, objects and entities coming and going on the etheric and astral planes. Generally speaking, though, those who see these things don’t under­­­stand what they are seeing and don’t know how to interpret them without help. If they do venture to interpret them themselves, they are often wrong. This kind of sight is not very useful, therefore; in fact, it can often impede a person’s evolution.

As a matter of fact, it is easy to see that the clairvoyance of mediums is always more or less restricted to the astral plane; it does not have the power to penetrate the mysteries of the universe. If you ask a medium to rise to a very high level in order to answer questions of a spiritual, cosmic order, more often than not he will be incapable of doing so. But is a gift of clairvoyance that is incapable of raising human beings to a higher plane of any interest to a true spiritualist? No, it is not, and this is why he pays no attention to it; in fact, he goes through the regions of the astral world with his eyes closed.'

"Twilight Of Perception" - © Rassouli Avatar Fine ArtsSite
(click to enlarge)

'There are several different kinds of vision to which we give different names depending on the plane on which they apply.

On the highest level is the vision of the spirit; that which we call intuition. This is not a material form of vision, of course; very often, in fact, a person is unaware that he is actually seeing something. When a man suddenly receives the revelation of a higher, divine truth, it means that he has projected rays of light from himself and that these rays have reached to a great distance and a great height and enable him to see some laws or correspondences, some of the structures of the universe. It is the light of the spirit that lights up the divine reality and makes it possible for man to understand it.

On another level, vision goes by the name of sensation, for sensation is also the result of a kind of light that man projects onto objects and living creatures. When you feel things, you vibrate in unison with them, you are conscious of their existence and of their closeness; it is as though you were seeing them.

And, finally, there is a third kind of vision which consists in an awareness of glimmers of light, colours, objects and entities coming and going on the etheric and astral planes. Generally speaking, though, those who see these things don’t under­­­stand what they are seeing and don’t know how to interpret them without help. If they do venture to interpret them themselves, they are often wrong. This kind of sight is not very useful, therefore; in fact, it can often impede a person’s evolution.

As a matter of fact, it is easy to see that the clairvoyance of mediums is always more or less restricted to the astral plane; it does not have the power to penetrate the mysteries of the universe. If you ask a medium to rise to a very high level in order to answer questions of a spiritual, cosmic order, more often than not he will be incapable of doing so. But is a gift of clairvoyance that is incapable of raising human beings to a higher plane of any interest to a true spiritualist? No, it is not, and this is why he pays no attention to it; in fact, he goes through the regions of the astral world with his eyes closed.'

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