The perfume of the new Eve

The woman is a flower that secretes essences that can embalm the atmosphere

"Flower scent"
Digital illustration generated and composed
© Editions Prosveta S.A.
(click to enlarge)

'Initiates understand that a woman is a laboratory, a flower whose secret essences perfume the air, and that when certain women such as the vestals learn to emanate this pure perfume, they become conductors through which the divine Mother manifests herself. There have been women in the past – their cases are a matter of historical record – who gave off the scent of flowers: violets, jasmine or roses, for instance.

And while we are on the subject: why do you think that most women are so fond of wearing perfume? It is something that comes from a very long way back, from the time when God entrusted the care of the plants in the garden of Eden to Eve. Eve was the first botanist ‒ her task was to look after the trees and flowers ‒ and Adam was the first zoologist ‒ he looked after the animals. Eve took such good care of the flowers that she herself emanated the same scents; she became a flower. And then, after the fall, when Adam and Eve had been driven from paradise, Eve lost her capacity to produce scent and, as she missed it so much, she looked for it elsewhere and began to use the perfumes she could gather from flowers.

Before the fall she emanated beautiful scents herself, because she possessed the qualities and virtues that manifest on the physical plane in the form of perfumes. On the higher plane, each perfume is a virtue; it becomes a perfume only when it manifests on the physical plane, just as a vice on the higher plane becomes a sickening stench on the physical plane. When women wear perfume it is because they yearn to recapture the natural perfume they have lost. But this is not the best way to do so. I have no objection to their putting on perfume and make-up and spending time at the beautician’s, but if they could be taught to cultivate certain qualities and virtues, they would recapture their own perfume, their own original beauty. Don’t count on beauty salons! There is another kind of beauty salon here, and nobody is going to ask you to spend a fortune on treatments that last only twenty-four hours and take all the bloom off your cheeks! Yes, this is the only authentic beauty salon – no need to look any further – just as long as you believe what I am telling you and cultivate these qualities and virtues and forces, and allow them to develop and flower within you.

It is said that it was Eve’s fault that the human race was driven from paradise. A new Eve must come forward now, to repair the original fault and lead man back to paradise.

An idea can be truly wonderful, but it has to be materialized, otherwise it remains in its own sphere and never comes down to earth. Only women have the power to bring an idea down to earth and make it a visible, tangible reality. As you very well know, even a woman who has never been to school – not even to kindergarten – is perfectly capable of producing a child with two eyes and ears, a nose, a mouth and so on, all perfectly formed and in working order. She may know nothing about chemistry, physics, politics or economics, and yet she can produce a child whose limbs and organs display a beautiful economical organization. Can you see all that and still tell me you understand what a woman is? Where does she keep the knowledge that enables her to combine all the chemical elements in such perfect proportions? She may be quite incapable of doing a mathematical operation, but she is capable of something that no mathematician could ever hope to achieve!'

"Adam and Eve after the Fall"
Digital painting generated and composed
© Editions Prosveta S.A.
(click to enlarge)

"Flower scent"
Digital illustration generated and composed © Editions Prosveta S.A.
(click to enlarge)

'Initiates understand that a woman is a laboratory, a flower whose secret essences perfume the air, and that when certain women such as the vestals learn to emanate this pure perfume, they become conductors through which the divine Mother manifests herself. There have been women in the past – their cases are a matter of historical record – who gave off the scent of flowers: violets, jasmine or roses, for instance.

And while we are on the subject: why do you think that most women are so fond of wearing perfume? It is something that comes from a very long way back, from the time when God entrusted the care of the plants in the garden of Eden to Eve.

Eve was the first botanist ‒ her task was to look after the trees and flowers ‒ and Adam was the first zoologist ‒ he looked after the animals. Eve took such good care of the flowers that she herself emanated the same scents; she became a flower. And then, after the fall, when Adam and Eve had been driven from paradise, Eve lost her capacity to produce scent and, as she missed it so much, she looked for it elsewhere and began to use the perfumes she could gather from flowers.

Before the fall she emanated beautiful scents herself, because she possessed the qualities and virtues that manifest on the physical plane in the form of perfumes. On the higher plane, each perfume is a virtue; it becomes a perfume only when it manifests on the physical plane, just as a vice on the higher plane becomes a sickening stench on the physical plane. When women wear perfume it is because they yearn to recapture the natural perfume they have lost. But this is not the best way to do so. I have no objection to their putting on perfume and make-up and spending time at the beautician’s, but if they could be taught to cultivate certain qualities and virtues, they would recapture their own perfume, their own original beauty. Don’t count on beauty salons! There is another kind of beauty salon here, and nobody is going to ask you to spend a fortune on treatments that last only twenty-four hours and take all the bloom off your cheeks! Yes, this is the only authentic beauty salon – no need to look any further – just as long as you believe what I am telling you and cultivate these qualities and virtues and forces, and allow them to develop and flower within you.

"Adam and Eve after the Fall"
Digital painting generated and composed © Editions Prosveta S.A.
(click to enlarge)

It is said that it was Eve’s fault that the human race was driven from paradise. A new Eve must come forward now, to repair the original fault and lead man back to paradise.

An idea can be truly wonderful, but it has to be materialized, otherwise it remains in its own sphere and never comes down to earth. Only women have the power to bring an idea down to earth and make it a visible, tangible reality. As you very well know, even a woman who has never been to school – not even to kindergarten – is perfectly capable of producing a child with two eyes and ears, a nose, a mouth and so on, all perfectly formed and in working order. She may know nothing about chemistry, physics, politics or economics, and yet she can produce a child whose limbs and organs display a beautiful economical organization. Can you see all that and still tell me you understand what a woman is? Where does she keep the knowledge that enables her to combine all the chemical elements in such perfect proportions? She may be quite incapable of doing a mathematical operation, but she is capable of something that no mathematician could ever hope to achieve!'

Text taken from the book "Love and Sexuality (2)", chap. 7 "Vestal Virgins; the New Eve".

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