Vibration, Emanation, Radiation

Work in these three planes brings perfection

Vibration, Emanation, Radiation
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov extrait vidéo

'The intellect, the heart and the will are never separated: they are welded , they walk, they gallop together.'

'The vibration is the will in action. The emanation concerns the feelings, therefore the heart. And the radiation is the intellect.

This trinity is found in the sun and this work in the three planes brings perfection.

In man too, the intellect, the heart and the will are never separated: they are welded , they walk, they gallop together. The intellect makes plans and the heart gives it a helping hand, it encourages it: "Go ahead, go ahead, I'm with you!" » and the will gallops to carry out these projects. We see all three of them running, running... Sometimes it's the opposite, it's the will that leads the others, and the man breaks his head because the intellect has lagged too far behind. No matter how much he shouts: "Wait for me, you are wrong! the will replies: "Shut up, you don't know anything at all. "Yes, they all three have great conversations!…

But this trinity is not yet holy.'

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