What is Initiation?

Initiation is nothing more than an expansion of consciousness

"Interior of an Egyptian temple"
Digital by Majabel Creaciones for Pixabay
(click to enlarge)

'Initiation is nothing more than an expansion of consciousness. There are, of course, different degrees of expansion, and the supreme degree is that attained by those who merge with the universal Soul, who vibrate in unison with the cosmos, immersing themselves in the realm of absolute harmony, the realm of the music of the spheres. This is the supreme initiation. Needless to say, it is extremely difficult to reach this level, but there are many different steps or degrees between the ordinary level of consciousness and this sublime level. Our task in life is to scale as many degrees as possible and gradually to enhance our consciousness until it is so clear and limpid that the universe itself is reflected in it. As long as human beings continue to move in the narrow circle of themselves and their personal interests they exclude themselves from initiation.

It is possible, of course, to give different definitions of initiation. Some would say, for instance, that it consists in developing certain chakras or of acquiring certain psychic powers, and they would be right. But I think that everybody would agree on this fundamental definition – an expansion of consciousness – because the expression embraces all aspects of initiation.

It is when you begin to throw light on all the mechanical, instinctive, automatic movements within yourself – above all, when you begin to be conscious of all the heavenly messages, currents and entities that surround you – that your full potential begins to develop. The goal of initiation is, first, to awaken the consciousness of disciples to the existence of the higher world, and second, to make their physical body a fit dwelling place for the Deity. This is what we are doing here, in this divine school: we are opening our consciousness to the divine world, and building our inner temple with all the purest materials, so that the Holy Spirit may be drawn to us and dwell within us. I have already spoken to you about your inner temple, your body of glory, and explained how to gather the heavenly particles you need in order to build it.

Many people are seeking spirituality today without the least realization that they have never gained a single victory over themselves. They do not know what initiation is because, in our day, the ordeals of initiation no longer take place in a temple, but in the ordinary circumstances of life.

"The Oracle of Delphi (Greece)"
Photo by Walkerssk for Pixabay
(click to enlarge)

It is in our daily living that we are tested by the four elements. When human beings were expelled from paradise, they lost their power over the elements, and now they have to learn to control their own physical body (earth), their feelings (water), their thoughts (air) and their sexual energies (fire). So, choose a few truths and work on them day and night, you will see the results, for blessed are those who have understood today that the most sublime occupation is to work on oneself to rearrange and replace everything.'

"Interior of an Egyptian temple"
Digital by Majabel Creaciones for Pixabay
(click to enlarge)

'Initiation is nothing more than an expansion of consciousness. There are, of course, different degrees of expansion, and the supreme degree is that attained by those who merge with the universal Soul, who vibrate in unison with the cosmos, immersing themselves in the realm of absolute harmony, the realm of the music of the spheres. This is the supreme initiation. Needless to say, it is extremely difficult to reach this level, but there are many different steps or degrees between the ordinary level of consciousness and this sublime level. Our task in life is to scale as many degrees as possible and gradually to enhance our consciousness until it is so clear and limpid that the universe itself is reflected in it. As long as human beings continue to move in the narrow circle of themselves and their personal interests they exclude themselves from initiation.

It is possible, of course, to give different definitions of initiation. Some would say, for instance, that it consists in developing certain chakras or of acquiring certain psychic powers, and they would be right. But I think that everybody would agree on this fundamental definition – an expansion of consciousness – because the expression embraces all aspects of initiation.

It is when you begin to throw light on all the mechanical, instinctive, automatic movements within yourself – above all, when you begin to be conscious of all the heavenly messages, currents and entities that surround you – that your full potential begins to develop. The goal of initiation is, first, to awaken the consciousness of disciples to the existence of the higher world, and second, to make their physical body a fit dwelling place for the Deity. This is what we are doing here, in this divine school: we are opening our consciousness to the divine world, and building our inner temple with all the purest materials, so that the Holy Spirit may be drawn to us and dwell within us. I have already spoken to you about your inner temple, your body of glory, and explained how to gather the heavenly particles you need in order to build it.

"The Oracle of Delphi (Greece)"
Photo by Walkerssk for Pixabay
(click to enlarge)

Many people are seeking spirituality today without the least realization that they have never gained a single victory over themselves. They do not know what initiation is because, in our day, the ordeals of initiation no longer take place in a temple, but in the ordinary circumstances of life.

It is in our daily living that we are tested by the four elements. When human beings were expelled from paradise, they lost their power over the elements, and now they have to learn to control their own physical body (earth), their feelings (water), their thoughts (air) and their sexual energies (fire). So, choose a few truths and work on them day and night, you will see the results, for blessed are those who have understood today that the most sublime occupation is to work on oneself to rearrange and replace everything.'

Text taken from the book "Life and Work in an Initiatic School (1)", chap. 8 "The Meaning of Initiation (part 1)".

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