Change the earth's psychic atmosphere

Layers of different kinds make up the Earth’s atmosphere

Change the earth's psychic atmosphere

At a time when environmental issues are at the heart of our concerns, Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov explains to us that the main source of pollution is that produced by our actions, our words, our emotions and our thoughts.

This is what he calls 'Psychic Pollution' (chap. 3 of the book Powers of Thought).

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov extrait vidéo

'Like the atmosphere, the human being is also made, in the psychic level, of several layers, of several floors.'

'Layers of different kinds make up the Earth’s atmosphere. In the lowest layers, waste and dust accumulate where microbes swarm. But the higher we rise, the more we enter pure and luminous regions.

Like the atmosphere, the human being is also made, in the psychic level, of several layers, of several floors. On each floor live different creatures, and it is sometimes one that manifests itself, sometimes the other... When we elevate ourselves internally, the creatures of the lower floors are prevented from following us, because at the -beyond a certain level they can no longer breathe, just like microbes which cannot survive beyond certain temperatures.

So the higher we go, the more we free ourselves, because with each step towards the top, lower entities are forced to leave us: they cannot breathe in the upper layers of our atmosphere.'

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