Alphabetical index
- A reflection of heaven; consequence of this idea
- All the elements it contains have their origin in the sun, where we can find them in a subtle state
- And human beings will one day become a reflection of heaven
- How to make ourselves known to it
- In the physical and spiritual realms, only the seeds we plant germinate
- Intermediary between the sun and created beings
- It also influences human beings
- It is as important as the sun, for it transforms its rays
- It will one day become luminous and crystal clear
- Its capacity for transforming waste, from which we should draw inspiration
- Its capacity to absorb and transform waste; an exercise
- Must become a divine orchard
- Should be considered only as our place of work
- To be ploughed and cultivated: the mind
- We play a part in transforming it through the way we eat
- We should relearn how to cultivate it
- Where our evolution takes place
Earth (the)
Earth, spiritual
Earth, the
Earthly life
Earthly life, our
Earth’s atmosphere
Eat fire and drink light
- Acquiring living knowledge
- Chewing releases etheric particles from our food
- Do so in a state of harmony and meditation
- Giving a broader and deeper dimension to this act
- Is one thing, nourishing ourselves another
- Must be accompanied by mental work; examples
- Think about your food and the four elements
- Understood as a spiritual exercise
Eating consciously
Economic interests
Economy, the
Economy, true
Educating children – making them aware of the realities of the soul and the spirit
Educational method
Educators and parents
Effort –rather than simply not avoiding it, go looking for it
- Alone can fulfil us
- Alone can take us closer to god
- Alone count, the results do not depend on us
- Always give results
- Are never useless
- Are never wasted, they remain an asset for the future
- Keep us alive and healthy
- Make fewer if necessary but never give up
- Not avoiding them but even seeking them
- Technical progress should not exempt us from making efforts
- That keep us on our feet and alive
- They keep us strong and intelligent
- To face obstacles in the outside world, we must train like athletes
- Working on our inner matter gives life another flavour
Efforts, only
Elements (four)
Elements, the four
Elixir of everlasting life
Elixir of immortal life
Elohim, the
Emanations of a spiritual being
Emanations of people, the
Emanations, human
Emotional life
Emotions and feelings
Emptying oneself
Enchanted moments
- Are often more useful to us than our friends
- How they are useful
- Knowing how to counter them without descending to their level
- Love protects us from them
- Once you have overcome your inner enemies, it is easier to neutralize the exterior ones
- Paralyzing them with a single gesture, glance or word
- They are never really defeated by ordinary methods
- They may actually be friends bearing gifts
Enemies within
Enemies, inner and outer
Enthusiasm, the
Entities (dark)
Entities of darkness
Entities of light
Entities of light and of darkness
Entities, dark
Entities, heavenly
Entities, invisible
Entities, spiritual
Equinoxes and solstices
Esoteric science
Essence of life
Essential truths
Esteem of heaven
Eternal damnation of sinners, the
Eternal life
Eternal springtime
Etheric creatures
Eucharist and marriage
Evening prayer before bedtime
- A precious material that initiates know how to use
- A spur that drives human beings to work
- By giving too much importance to it, human beings only reinforce it
- Cannot be conquered but can be transformed
- Considered from the point of view of the cosmic spirit
- Do not fight it head-on; strengthen yourself in order to resist better and take better action
- Does not exist from a metaphysical point of view, but from a moral point of view it does
- Elements we must learn to use in our inner laboratory
- Is merciless for those who do not take its side
- It cannot enter a person who is occupied by the lord
- It is driven out of the sublime regions
- Its power comes from human beings
- Learning to use it for the good
- Only god can make good take the place of evil
- Project light to drive out evil
- Protecting ourselves from it by seeking allies in the divine world
- Strengthen yourself in order to better resist it
- The initiates and spiritual masters know how to use it
- The initiates’ stepping stone to great heights
- Transform it through the secret of unity
- Utilizing the forces of evil to stimulate the forces of good
- Watch that it doesn’t interfere with the good you want to do
- What is bad for some may be good for others
- What to do to neutralize it
Evil spirits
Evil spirits are god’s servants
Evil –the perception we have of it is very relative
- A person’s evolution can be determined by the intensity of the light emanating from them
- A struggle against the weight and obscurity of our being
- Achieving the synthesis of form and spiritual forces
- Occurs when the conditions are favourable
- Planned by cosmic intelligence for human beings
- Take into account the experience of others
- The exploration of matter is but one stage
Evolution is measured by the intensity of a person’s life
Evolution of beings
Evolution, each person’s
Evolution, human
Evolution, our
Evolution, the
Exalted angelic hierarchies look after the solar systems and galaxies, the
Example (your)
Example, inner
- Are essential to life
- Are the law of life
- Knowing how to make them so as to experience a subtle and poetic life
- Preconditions for physical life and spiritual life
- That humans must make with one another, and why
- That humans must make with one another, and why
- We make with nature and all beings must be more profound
Exchanges between men and women
Exercise and formula
Exercises (spiritual)
Exercises with light
Exercises, spiritual
Existence of god, the
Experiences (spiritual)
Experiences, spiritual
Experiencing matter
Expressive face
External conditions
Extreme unction
Eye (spiritual)
Eye of god
Eye, our inner