Alphabetical index
Caduceus of hermes
Caduceus of hermes, the
Candles and incense
Capricorn and leo
Cardinal points, the
Care and wisdom solve many problems
Causal body
Causal plane
Causal plane, the
Ceiling, walls and floor
Celestial beings
Celestial entities
Celestial fire
Cells in our body
Cells in the human body – homes to small souls that we must bring to life
Cells of our body
Cells of the body
Centre or the summit, the
Centres of light
Centres, spiritual
Centres, subtle
Changes in mentality
Changes in society
Changes in the world must come from human beings’ desire for them
Changing the world
Changing your life
Chaos to harmony, from
Character and temperament
Chew both your food and air at length
Chewing food
Child and the old person, the
- And the memory of a distant past
- Do not harass them, rather channel their energies
- Do not spare them every difficulty
- Nothing gives them the right to show contempt for their parents
- Nourish their souls with the spiritual life
- Parents must teach them the meaning of effort
- Teach us to project ourselves into the future
- That the sun can bring us
- The attention and respect adults must show them
- Their familiarity with nature spirits
- Their incarnation into a family is never by chance
- Their sensitivity to the invisible world and their memory of times gone by
- Their sensitivity to the subtle worlds
- Their subconscious education
- They possess great sensitivity when they are very young
- We must remain as children in relation to our divine parents
Choice of a profession
Choral singing
Christ, the
Christian religion
Christian tradition, the
Christmas and easter
Circle with a central point, the
Circle with a point, the
Circle with the central point
Circle, the
- A beneficial faculty as long as one is working to become purer and psychologically strong
- Comes through identifying with the higher self
- Initiates go beyond the astral plane
- Is acquired through love
- Sensitivity allied to understanding
- The danger of developing it without purifying oneself first
- The only way to develop it without any risk
- Useful only if we are able to interpret and bear what we see
Clothes and jewellery
Clouds, our inner
Cold and heat
Collectivity (cosmic)
Collectivity, the
Commitment, spiritual
- A fundamental act of life through the food we eat
- Connecting ourselves with all the living creatures and forces of nature
- Establishing contact with the vital forces of nature
- Its cosmic dimensions
- Must take place with the two principles
- Receiving the sun’s rays in full awareness
- The source of true knowledge
- With the creator in all the acts of everyday life
Communism and capitalism
Community, spiritual
Comparing oneself
Comparing oneself to superior beings
Concentrate on all that is luminous
Concentrating our forces will bring us salvation
Condemning the guilty
- Accept those that destiny places before us
- Are always favourable for those who want to progress
- Are good or bad depending on what we make of them
- Are good or bad depending on what we make of them
- Are never defining
- Do not necessarily determine our destiny
- Do not necessarily determine our destiny
- Of our life: we ourselves create them
- Rather than wanting to change the outer ones, change them in yourself
Conditions (new)
Conditions, good
Conflicts with others
Connections, subtle
- A screen on which the manifestations of our different bodies are projected
- A screen that reflects both the higher and lower nature
- All creatures are gifted with it, but only humans possess individual consciousness
- An inner light that must never go out
- Attained by beings who become collective, universal
- Expanding it by entering the immense community of beings
- Its fluctuations must not discourage us
- Love expands it and wisdom illuminates it
- Of minerals, plants, animals and human beings
- Seek to identify your desires, feelings and thoughts
Consciousness and subconscious
Consciousness, state of
Consecrating an object
Consecration, the
Constellations of the zodiac
Conventional science
Correct attitude, the
Cosmic forces
Cosmic harmony
Cosmic intelligence
Cosmic law
Cosmic love
Cosmic ocean
Cosmic spirit
Cosmic tree
Courts of law
Create, the need to
Creation (spiritual and artistic)
Creation, artistic and spiritual
Creations, inner
Creator, the
Creatures, living chain of
Cremation or burial
Criteria to recognize whether it is really the master who speaks to you inwardly
Criticizing others
Crumbs and impurities attract insects and bugs
Curved line
Customs, border