Alphabetical index
Mages, magicians and sorcerers
- A definition: any influence on a being or object
- A look, a gesture… everything is magic
- Adding a quality to beings and things
- Any kind of influence exerted on a being or an object
- Everyone unconsciously practises black or white magic
- Receiving great truths with a trusting frame of mind
- Should be sought primarily in our daily life
- The science of influence
Magic is based on the gestures of everyday life
Magical, the
Make a move
Masculine principle
- A being who has total control of his thoughts, feelings and actions
- Consider him like an envoy from heaven
- Do not expect him to do everything
- Expect only knowledge and methods from him
- He makes a great sacrifice to take care of human beings
- He nourishes his disciples with his light
- He will not do the work in your stead
- His approach towards human beings in view of helping them
- His face speaks of the divine world
- Like the sun, a true master must remain at the centre
- Send him pure thoughts and feelings
Master and disciples
Master, a
Master, a spiritual
Master, spiritual
- Acquiring his qualities through exercises of identification
- Also exerts a beneficial influence in the invisible realm
- By what criteria he judges
- Can help us because he has had to face the same difficulties as us and has overcome them
- Conditions in which a meeting with him can be of benefit
- Does not expect his disciples to glorify him but to follow his example
- His disciples’ best friend
- Reawakens in his disciples the memory of past experiences
- Reawakens in his disciples the memory of past experiences
- Teaches his disciples that salvation lies within
- The limits of his influence
- What to look for in one
Mastering ourdestiny
Masterpieces of art
Master’s goal
Master’s role
Material and ephemeral things
Material and spiritual
Material facilities
Material life
Material possessions and activities
- By placing the spirit first, we benefit fully from its riches
- Can only evolve because of the involution of the spirit
- Descend into it and give it life
- It is actually condensed light
- It limits us, obliging us to undertake special work
- It satisfies only our physical needs
- Its roots are in god; the four holy animals contemplated by st john
- Make use of everything, but towards a divine goal
- Never disappears since it is the complementary pole to spirit
- On high, it is one with the spirit
- Our thoughts work it to shape it
- The object of our work externally and internally
- We must combat its heaviness every day
- With a materialistic philosophy, we end up crushed
Matter and spirit
Maturity, spiritual
Meaning of life
Meaning of life, the
Measure in all things
Medical treatment
Medicine, orthodox
Meditate to commune with God
- Attracting celestial light and sending it out to the whole world
- Begin by controlling your thoughts and feelings
- Calm your lower astral and mental bodies and let your mind soar
- Do not concentrate abruptly
- First get rid of your negative states
- Holding back the headlong march of time
- The necessity for great inner discipline
- A dangerous exercise if you have not learned to control your psychic life
- A pause in the headlong march of time
- A pause in the hurried march of time
- Being present and focused in everything that we do
- Chewing spiritual truths
- Concentrate on light to link yourself with god
- Controlling our thought the same way we control a galloping horse
- Detaching ourselves from our restrictive lower self
- First get rid of your old clothing
- Learn to select themes
- Mastication of spiritual truths
- Need for a method
- Some advice
- The mastication of an idea that provides a flow of energy
Meditation allows us to gather and store up spiritual energy
Mediumistic faculties
Mediumistic powers
Memories to be cultivated
Memory of our incarnations
Men and women
Mending our errors
Mental habits, our
Mental habits, the
Merging with god
Messages from heaven
Metamorphosis (of the caterpillar)
Method of work
Method, a
Methods of light
Methods, simple
Mind and heart
Minute at a time, a
Misfortunes, the world’s
Mission of every human being
Mission of human beings
Mistakes, our
Mockery by comedians
Mole, fish and bird
Moment you wake up in the morning, the –its importance
Moments (the most important)
Moments of abundance
Moments of silence
Moments of spiritual intensity
- Dedicate everything to the lord, even your money
- Dedicate it to god so that it may be kept safe
- Great strength is needed to resist its temptations
- How to view it
- It satisfies our lower nature, not our divine nature
- Its power over our inferior nature
- Strengthening oneself spiritually so as not to be its slave
- The material expression of the possibilities life gives us
Money to help others
Monument of light and love
Moon, waxing and waning
Moral mistakes
Moral progress
Moral qualities
Moral qualities are what matter most in human beings
Morality (sexual)
Morality constantly evolves with new truths
Mountain peak and sun
Mountain summit, the
Mountain tops
Mountain, a
- Climb them physically and spiritually
- Climb to the peak by means of thought
- Finding within ourselves the treasures they hold
- Focus on their symbolic, living aspect
- In their silence, we enter the ocean of divine light
- Inhabited by very luminous and powerful entities
- That we would move if we united our efforts
- The respect to be paid to the beings that live there
- Their place in our spiritual exercises
Mountains and valleys
Mountains, trees and rivers
Movement of evolution, the
Movement, heat and light
Movement, periodic
Moving up in rank
Music and singing
Music is not made to be understood but to be felt
Music of the spheres
Music of the spheres, the
Mystery of the holy trinity, the
Mystic experiences
Mystical experience